SH - Shouldice Hospital
SH stands for Shouldice Hospital
Here you will find, what does SH stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shouldice Hospital? Shouldice Hospital can be abbreviated as SH What does SH stand for? SH stands for Shouldice Hospital. What does Shouldice Hospital mean?Shouldice Hospital is an expansion of SH
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Alternative definitions of SH
View 306 other definitions of SH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SHC Shriners Hospital-Canada
- SFR&RS Shuswap Family Resource & Referral Service
- SLGH Shuswap Lake General Hospital
- SCDHU Simcoe County District Health Unit
- SFHR Simon Fraser Health Region
- SFL Simon Fraser Lodge
- SFMHRO Simon Fraser Mental Health Regional Office
- SFHB Simon-Fraser Health Board
- SHC Simpcw Health Centre
- SH Simpson Hospital
- SLDHC Sioux Lookout District Health Centre
- SLZH Sioux Lookout Zone Hospital
- SMBDJGH Sir Mortimer B Davis Jewish General Hospital
- STRH Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital
- SCO Sisters of Charity of Ottawa
- SLCHS Slave Lake Community Health Services
- SLHC Slave Lake Health Complex
- SCH Slocan Community Hospital
- SLCCC Smoky Lake Continuing Care Centre
- SRFH Smooth Rock Falls Hospital